May kindness be with you!
January 12, 2022“Meditation is like a laboratory where we can do all different kinds of experimenting, but in a safe container.
And then, when we go out into the world, in relationship with other people, hopefully we know a bit more about how we are and how we show up.”
– Leslie Booke, from “Making Friends with Anxiety”
I read the Making Friends with Anxiety article and listened to a podcast, Dr. Aliz Crum’s Science of Mindsets, this weekend, and both had some ideas about our relationship/mindset with anxiety and stress.
Stress and anxiety are indeed a part of our lives and can be actually supportive at times.
The article invites us into a formal practice, since much of this relationship with anxiety depends on our awareness.
A 10-second practice
Begin by noticing sensations of the body.
Where does stress/anxiety show up?
Which parts?
Allow an exhale and softening.…
How can mindfulness meditation support an intention to allow your fears and anxieties to soften … if only for a moment?
Join others in Mindfulness Meditation
Take refuge in the present moment. Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others.
This week’s mindfulness meditation practice is Monday, Jan. 31 and Thursday, Feb. 3 from 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. over Zoom (Meeting ID: 839 9833 7582, Password: 672891)
Brief discussion, followed by silent practice, and concluding with observations, comments or wonderings. No experience, fee, or registration necessary.
Join us. And feel free to share this with others who might be interested in this intentional practice.
All are welcome.